The Beaver Uniform

The Beaver Scout uniform is good to wear when doing things

You need to buy your uniform a few weeks after you join the Colony and before you are Invested. This is to make sure that you are settled, and that Beavers is for you. The main parts of the Beaver Scout uniform are:

Group Scarf – 1st West Moors Scouts wear a light blue coloured scarf with a dark blue trim. Sometimes it is called a ‘necker’. The scarf is presented to you when you are invested into the Colony.

Woggle – This is a coloured plastic  ring, which holds the scarf in place. The colour shows which Lodge you belong to and will be given to you when you are invested.

Sweatshirt – that you can sew your Beaver Scout badges on - it is turquoise in colour, and has a purple trim.

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